May 01, 2019
Oh snap, it snappened. Danny has erased the universe, … … … for now. He'll probably fix it later.
If you want to know what snappens next why not join our Patreon. All patrons get to see every comic before they are posted elsewhere online. You can be a patron for as little as $1 a month, and all money goes to comic production, with any leftover going to my fund to purchase a 1:2500 scale model of the USS Enterprise 1701-D cast in solid gold. Christina says that not really what we should be doing with our money, and that we'd need like 2,000 more patrons to justify such a purchase, and if we had that much money it would be better spent on food and shelter, but that's lame. Solid gold Enterprise, and together it's a goal I know we can reach!