August 20, 2021
This comic here, this comic, is a dumb. What can I say about this comic other than Brad is a silly and thinks he has found a rock solid flaw in Gwen's argument. Gwen indeed does not wear parts. In fact she never wears pants. Except in circumstances in which she's in costume, Gwen is always wearing leggings, or tights, under a dress or skirt. I guess the real difference is who can get seated on an airplane. Pantsless Brad and Danny, no chance. "Pantsless" Gwen on the other hand will be taken to her seat and be watching an inflight movie while Brad and Danny are being grilled by the TSA.
You know who also works at the TSA, contraband sniffing doggos. They’re all good boys and girls and have a job, unlike my previously mentioned lazy pups who can’t even be bothered to do the thing he was bred to do. Catch the mouse Deckerd! These Patreon, shout outs are becoming more removed from the point of the blog post by the day. Anywho donate money if you’d like. Support artists and lazy non mouse catching dogs.