July 23, 2010
Part Three of Healer Fight. Today we get to see Confess in action, using the Penance Spell, A spell I feel as a Holy Priest is kind of bullshit.
Now Holy Priests have plenty of spells and abilities that Discipline Priests do not, but one thing Discipline has over Holy is it's own exclusive damaging spell. Penance is a pretty bad ass spell. Use it on an enemy and it blasts them with three balls of light, cast on an ally and it heals them, oddly enough with the same three balls of light.
You know now that I think about it, Penance, a spell that can't make up its mind whether it's offensive or defensive is the ultimate ability of the Discipline tree, while Guardian Spirit, the ultimate Holy spell prevents an ally from dying for fifteen seconds and increases all healing they recieve by 40%. Seems to me Holy has the more healing minded Ultimate spell. Point to Holy!