Here at Kickass McAwesome we're more than just comics. Here's some links for some other things you might enjoy.

Night Shift Comics
Night Shift Comics is the place to go to read the extended side stories I co-produced with Christina Savino of Named so for our shared nocturnal tendancies to do most of our work after the sun's gone down. Here you can read The Mountian of Almost Certain Doom, and possibly one day others, the way they were intended to be read, in their complete forms, uninterrupted by other comics.

At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign
In an effort to help expand the Kickass McAwesome audience, or the Kickass McAudience I present The At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign. Kind of like a Kickstarter campaign, but instead of begging for money, I'm just begging for likes on Facebook. So if you like the site and want to support us, why not like us on Facebook.

Jared Forbes Art
Jared Forbes Art, the neglected sister site of Kickass McAwesome. Jared Forbes Art is a website made to showcase the art of Jared Forbes, hey that's me! It's a portfolio site I made at the same time I started Kickass McAwesome and features verious examples of my work, as well as a break down of a selection of Kickass McAwesome comics.

Brad Reviews
Brad Reviews, like the Moment with Brad comics, is a small window into his insanity. Come and crawl inside the window and see Brad's opinions on both new and classic games.
I'll also link to my stories I've written here. Like my website they are also works in progress, but i will start posting them chapter by chapter when I figure out the easiest way to turn a word file into html.
Obviously I'll also put links to other people's sites, but I'll do that once I get my site up and running, and also when i feel like it.
Oh yeah and this is where you can go to if you want to email me.