August 12, 2010
I realize the last comic didn't really have a proper news post, I've corrected that and you can go read an actual post to go along with the last comic in the archives if you wish to do so. With that out of the way on with today's comic.
So as I'm sure you're aware I spent most of last week at Lake Ontario on a fishing trip, and well While it was nice to get out of the house for a while, I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon, I think I would have enjoyed it more if my Dad could have gone as well, but he couldn't get the time off work, but I digress. The trip was kind of uneventful, and I definately didn't indeed to touch on this trip in comic form, but then I learned the name of a particular piece of tackle I'd be using, and well it just tickled the childish humor center of my brain and I just had to comment on this, so here we go.