For the Horde!

September 27, 2010

Time for another WoW comic. To those of you who don't play WoW here's a little information. In the game you play as either one of two factions, The Horde, or the Alliance. Ever since the game first came out, technically ever since Warcraft II I've been in the Alliance, and while I've dabbled a bit in the Horde when WoW came out I never really leveled a character on the Horde side. I however have several friends who play on both sides of the fence and two in particular, Con, and Ves have been slowly singing a siren song tempting me to join the Horde, and well I finally did. I deleted one of my alts I was never going to use and made a Blood Elf Warlock, much to their glee.

So now there is an evil version of Dani running around Bronzebeard, blowing shit up. Don't know If I'll ever level her up to be a raiding character, but I know I'll have at least two people singing yet another siren song.