He Only Looks at the Pictures.

November 1, 2010

One game series that seems to have exploded resently is the Uncharted series. The first one came out slighly over a year after the launch of the PS3 and gave it a killer app it sorely needed. Followed by Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and looking at the compant's history I'll predict they'll make one more Canonical game, followed by a racing game then they'll sell the Uncharted IP to a lowly third party publisher that will pump out crappy sequel after crappy sequel.

Anywho the Uncharted is an extremely hot IP at the moment and talks of a movie are in the works, and if it's half as cinematic as Among Thieves is it'll make 100 million easy. As gamers eagerly await Uncharted 3 they'll soon have a new Uncharted Novel. Hopefully this'll prove to be a lucrative investment on Sony's part, since some gamers aren't really known for their desire to read things, as you'll see in today's comic.

Also. In 21 days it returns.