April 4, 2011
The other day I said I wasn't going to pick up a 3DS right away, but instead would wait until at least the neew Zelda game comes out, but then I remembered the Wii. I missed getting a Wii at launch, and wasn't able to get one until six months later. So I fear of being in a similar situation with the 3DS I picked one up this weekend, and well, Nintendo, you are the disapoint.
Never before have I been so underwhelmed by a new console launch. The launch title just, suck. There isn't a simgle one that I can definitively say, "I need this game in my collection." Buut it beyond software woes. All the cool stuff that the weeks building up to the 3DS's launch, Having a Superior internet browser than the DSi. Being able to run flash applications. Being able to stream videos with Netflix, having a Virtual Console system similar to the Wii. All of that is yet to be implemented, You have to wait until patches in May and June.
Now I've supported Nintendo for a long time. I'm the only person I know who actually bought a DSi. and I remember when that came out right out of the box the Internet browser annd online game store were up and running. The fact that the 3DS will have to wait a few months until it has all the features I bought the system for, well I just can't help but be dissapointed.