Thankfully Kickass McAwesome has yet to be rule 34'd

April 13, 2011

Today's comic is based on a conversation I had with Real World Jeb. Just like in the comic Real World Jeb is the more level headed of the three of us, but evey once in a while he says something for far out of left field that I'm reminded that he's just as nerdular and fanboyish as Real World Brad and I

Real World Jeb had resently started playing Bioshocl, to which he said, "I don't know if many people will understand how amazing this idea could be....but... a crossover between the anime series "Big O" and Bioshock." Now this is quite the nerdular thing to say, don't know if he means a actual crossover with both production companies involved, or simply a piece of fan fiction. For those of you not familiar with fan fiction, I envy you, at times I wish I didn't know fan fiction existed. Fan Fiction being when a fan of a certain intellectual property writes original, (and I use this term as losely as I possibly can,) stories set in that universe. Some Fan Fiction can be really good, but the majority is utter and complete garbage.

That being said if a Bioshock/Big-O crossover exist somewhere it's a fanfic, and it's probably terrible.