Now That's Thinking With Portals.

April 18, 2011

Lots good of games coming out tomorrow, which is nice cause I like to do comics that corresponde with new and upcoming games, that being said this week's comics are all corresponding with new and upcoming games!

Today's comic hails from a little game called Portal, that little game that could. Made as a mod of Half Life 2 this title became one the the driving forces behind the sales of the Orange Box, you know, besides the other four awesome games that came with it. Portal fits into a new category of games, while it was built from a first person shooter, it can best be described as a first person puzzler. Sounds odd at first, but the end result is approximately four hours of gaming bliss, and with the release of Portal 2 tomorrow, being a full retail game and not an add on mod, I can only assume that it will be at least 10+ hours of gaming bliss, what with the longer story mode, and not to mention the new co-op multiplayer. Expect to see this game getting a lot of praise come award time.