"Sure You Can," Get It?

May 16, 2011

Hey there peoples, today is my birthday, at 11:44 am this morning I will have completed my twenty seventh trip around the sun. So to celebrate I made a comic. Well I was going to make a comic regardless, but I digress.

One of the pod casts I listen to weekly, well the only one really is Screw Attack’s Side Scrollers. A weekly gaming oriented pod cast that covers a wide variety of nerdular topics. At the end of the show they announce a list of their user’s birthday’s that week. Originally all you needed to do to get your birthday announced was to send them an email and say, “Hey it’s my birthday this week! Announce it pod cast monkey!” Well they probably didn’t say that last part, but you get the idea. Well lately they’ve been getting absolutely bombarded with requests for birthday shout outs. So I hope today’s comic is enough to earn a birthday reticulated shout out for me.

For those of you who don’t care about the whole Screw Attack aspect of today’s comic, shame on you. If you love games you should love Screw Attack, but I digress again. If the joke isn’t obvious to you then you didn’t play enough Street Fighter II when you were growing up. More or less digital voice compression wasn’t the most cutting edge of technologies in 1991, though Street Fighter II did have some of the best for the time, that isn’t to say all of them were crystal clear. Ryu and Ken have a move, the Shoryuken, and when the move is executed they shout out its name, and between the digital voice compression and most Americans’ poor knowledge of the Japanese language, we heard the battle shout as, “Sure you can!” Is that an intimidating battle cry? Absolutely not, but that’s what our stupid ears heard.