If We Say it Enough It Will Become a Word.

August 12, 2011

It's wicked late and I really don't have much to say about this comic. I just thought it would be funny if a word existed solely for the purpose to be able to play it in Scrabble. I mean there's stupider things out there that are actual words, why not Qwyzkyx? I gave it a definition, it's real to me. Interestingly enough there isn't a single legal word that can be played with the letter QWYZKYX, and that makes me a little sad.

Another thing that makes me sad is if internet bullshit like LOL arre becoming legal words why not Kwyjibo? Kwyjibo, being the made up word Bart made in the first episode of the Simpsons when he got a crappy rack in Scrabble. That should be an honorary word damn it!