My Actual Beard Grows Almost as Fast.

November 2, 2011

I am Italian, for the most part. My Mother is pure blooded Italian, while my Father is Scots-Irish Welshman. If you look at me and my parents it's obvious I got most of my Mother's genetics. This is made more obvious when you take into consideration that my Father, with his red hair, blue eyes, pale skin and freckles, is a walking recessive gene. But onto the crux of the matter.

Italians we are hairy people, my knuckles look like they have comb overs. Pretty much all the men on my Mother's side of the family have no problem growing facial hair, and some of the women too. I remember as a kid seeing a picture of my Great Great Grandmother, and asking my Mom why this man was wearing a dress. Sorry Nana, but you had a full blown mustashe.