Lingerie Has a Really Bad Armor Rating.

May 30, 2012

One of the key selling features to Dragon's Dogma is its Pawn system. In the world of Dragon's Dogma there are these things called Pawns. Creatures from another dimension that appear completely identical to Humans, except they lack a certain degree of free will. They live to serve and as the Arisen (this game's "Dragonborn") you have control over them.

In the game you fight live action battles in parties of four. You only have complete control of yourself, the rest of the party is made up of three Pawns, one being your own personal Pawn. You get to design them for the ground up, just like your own player character. You pick their class, teach them skills and abilities and outfit them with armor. The other two slots in the party are the personal Pawns of other players. This means that other players can use your Pawn to fill in their party. It's a really cool consept and it plays right into the whole Pawns come from another dimension thing. Downside is unlike your personal Pawn, Pawns from other characters don't level up normally. They only get stronger when they get stronger in their owner's game.

Everytime you stay at an inn you connect to the game servers and update the status of your Pawn's level, abilities and quest knowledge, so they can be more helpful in other people's games. However if the person using your Pawn is leveling faster than you are they'll release your Pawn and find a stronger one. When you release a Pawn you rate them on a five star scale in appearence, battle skill, and knowledge. Which brings me to the point of today's comic.

I rate all the Pawns I use fairly, yet I have never gotten an actual rating for mine. My Pawn's awesome. she's a healer, a great healer, healers are awesome! When you go to recruit new Pawns you can see the top ranking Pawns, and for the most part all the Pawns at the top seem to have one thing in common, they're all dressed like prostitutes, and thus today's comic.