Dani's New Look, For Reals This Time.

June 25, 2012

Today puts to a close the Dani's new look mini arc. Like her original look it isn't suppossed to represent any actual armor set in the game, though in a way it is based on the Priest tier five chest piece. Generally when I design a World of Warcraft character for the comic I'll look at their chest piece and/ or the shoulder pieces and make a color scheme and style from that. For Dani's new look I went with white and black, with gold trim. Like tier five, and added blue jewel accents to add a little more color. One thing I wanted to do was make her pauldrons smaller. I wanted to make them low enough so it would be believable that she could look over her shoulder. Some of the shoulder pieces in WoW are so ridiculiously over sized that not only could someone wearing them not look over their shoulder, but not have peripheral vision, period. Just look at Avoth's shoulders for an example.

So yeah, no more mystery, this is what Dani will look like for the foreseeable future.


You might have noticed the dagger that was always hanging from her left hip is absent. What will Dani's be? A mace? A staff? A sword, despite the fact Priests can't use swords for some reason, even though the "daggers" in the game are so long that might as well be swords? You'll just have to stay tuned to find out, ... ... ... of don't, I don't care.

Wait, no, I do care. I need all the viewship I can get!