NPC, We Hardly Knew Ye.

July 9, 2012

So this weekend I redid the the characters page, it was needed I think, been awhile since I've appended it. Truthfully I don't think I ever added to it since I made it way back when. Well anywho it's remade with a lot more characters. Some of them I didn't really intend on becoming characters. The Bro Gamer for one. Originally he was meant to be a one off character, but as time went by the need of that type of character kept coming up again and again, and instead of making another one off character I just used the first Bro Gamer design, finally deciding to give him a name around his sixth appearance or so, but I digress. Today's comic is about that opposite of a character like that.

Originally the only characters on the character page besides the main three were Altaïr, and NPC. Altaïr is one of my favorite characters to use, but I try to limit him, since as I've said before he's not my original character, so I really shouldn't use him too much. As for NPC, well he just sort of disappeared, and I don't think anyone noticed, I know I didn't. I just thought it would be interesting to have a character that for whatever reason operated like an NPC from video games. I just really underutilized the character.

Though it may not be appearent to most of you this comic is indeed a video game parody. In The Elder Scrolls games, in this particular instance, Skyrim, when someone is killed by a fire or lightning spell there is a chance that they will combust, and when they combust they leave behind a large pile of ash, that you can then loot for gold and armor, and despite the fact that the person has literally turned to dust their armor is still completely intact, including any leather and cloth gear, you know stuff you'd expect to burn, and I always found a bit of comedy in there.

And as a side note to the possibly one person that realized NPC was gone for almost two years, he shall return, oh yes, he shall return, that is to say he will respawn.