He Just Needs a Little Alone Time.

March 8, 2010

Today ends the the current story arc. I liked doing this story arc cause it fleshed out Altair's character to something more than just a dude who pops out of nowhere and kills annoying people, though I have no plans to stop using him for that purpose.

Furthermore I wanted Altair's existance in the comic make a little sense when compared to the plot of the Assassin's Creed games. How exactly does Altair fit into the comic? Well only I know for sure, and I ain't telling! You're just gonna have to speculate about it. But don't worry It'll come up at some point, perhaps when Assassin's Creed 3 come out. That is if I haven't quit making comics or Ubisoft hits me with a cease and desist order. Hopefully neither of those things happen.

Next time I'll be starting another short significantly less copyright infringing story arc.