At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign
Welcome to the Kickass McAwesome, At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign! The goal of the campaign is to help spread awareness of the Kickass McAwesome and hopefully grow the audience. It's kind of like a Kickstarter campaign, however I'm not going to be asking for donations, no, all I'm asking is that you go to facebook and like the Kickass McAwesome Facebook Fan Page.
While I can't give away prizes as donation insentives like an actual Kickstarter the At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign does have flex goals. When we reach a certain amount of likes on the Kickass McAwesome Facebook Fan Page I'll unlock the appropriate flex goal listed below. Only a few flex goals will be listed at first, with more to be added when needed. The ultimate goal of this project is to actually start a real Kickstarter campaign. If the Kickass McAwesome Facebook Fan Page gets over 2000 likes then I will start a Kickstarter campaign to print a book collecting the first year of Kickass McAwesome comics.
So get online, tell your friends and go to Facebook and like you some Kickass McAwesome!
Flex Goals
25 likes: Brad Reviews section added.
50 likes: Kickass McAwesome Twitter.
100 likes: Reopened Forums.
150 likes: Advertisements added to the site.
151 likes: Advertisement taken off the site.
200 likes: Kickass McAwesome wallpapers for your computer.
300 likes: Finally reveal the face of Danny's Hot Mom.
2000: Kickstarter Campaign.