November 30, 2012
So here we are. I said I had a decision to make and the decision has been made. The topic I was torn on was how to handle the relationship between Elayne and Altaïr, or more appropriately how Elayne views Altaïr. I've always been a bit vague with how Altaïr actually fits into the world of the comic, in that he's a fictional character that somehow exists as a real person, yet somehow still remaining a video game character, because you know, ... comedy! Yes in the context of the comic Altaïr is supposed to be the same character from the game. Don't know how he exists in their world, he just does, and Danny, Jeb and Brad just except it, but this wasn't really the case for Elayne.
When I did the Pax Prime story arc, the first time Elayne and Altaïr co-existed, I never actually introduced the characters to each other, same thing during the Halloween arc, they still never directly interacted with one another. So the idea I thought of was, should I continue on with the status quo, have Elayne know that Altaïr is a fictional character that somehow lives in her world, or instead have Elayne think Altaïr is just some guy in a costume, and have the former be a huge revelation for her. After discussing it with a few readers they helped me decide on the latter, for it left room for more comedy. Hopefully you agree.
Oh yeah and At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign! is still going. Click the link, like us on facebook. You know you want to. We only need three more likes before the first goal is met. You could be the one to put it over the top. Please be the one that puts is over the top
I'm so lonely.