December 10, 2010

Sorry about the no comic on Wednesday, it's been a busy few days, of course Cataclysm happened, so that stole a bit more of my time than it should, but then Wednesday morning our furnace got all backed up and filled the house with smoke and soot and whatnot, so we've been cleaning, well, everything. I'll admit I was a bit afraid to turn my laptop on, didn't know how much soot got inside of it.

Well anywho this is the comic I planned for Wednesday, and it just so happens to be the 200th comic! To celebrate I'm giving one of the Comic's long running segments a new, actual set.

Now about the comic itself. something that has rapidly become a cliché in the past few years is spelling Greek words in the English language with old Greek letters when appropriate, or should I say when they "look" appropriate. A capital sigma kind of looks like an E, but infact it's not an E, it's an S. The thing that annoys me is you see so many things around these days that spell greek with sigmas that people are actually beginning to think that it's correct.

We already live in a world where internet short hand is slowly becoming more and more accepted, do we really need to start ruining foreign languages too now?