February 2, 2011

Hey every peoples Happy Groundhog day. Don't know if the Groundhog saw his shadow or not. Likely due to the fact that there's four feet of snow over his hole and he's probably dead. But that's not what today's comic is about, no thatt's not what the comic is about at all.

Square-Enix a company I usually lovingly refer to as Uncle Squeenix just keeps baffling me. Right on the heels of the gigantic failure off MMORPGs that is Final Fantasy XIV they reassure their fans, and more importantly their stockholders that all is right and back on track by announcing a sequel to Final Fantasy XIII, you know because it worked so well for them with X-2.

If Square-Enix wants to calm their fan base down and start making insane amounts of money again now would be that time to pull that Final Fantasy VII remake out of the drawer and actually do something with it.