The next day Raien awakened to a beautiful room. Sunlight poured through the trees and entered a window above her bed. On an elegantly carved table next to her bed was a silver serving tray with fresh eggs, toast and ham. Over at one end of the room was a washing basin and a pitcher of fresh well water. Folded on a chair was a new dark blue cotton dress, she even saw a new cobbled pair of boots for her. Raien got out of bed and put on the new dress and boots, amazed at how well they all fit. She looked at herself in the mirror. Kilee was right. They do have very skilled artisans. This is certainly better than what they gave me to wear at the prison. She thought as she looked at the meager gray slave dress she wore at the institute. She held out her hand and channeled a current of wind that wrapped around the dress, suspending it in the air. With her other hand she gracefully flicked her middle and index fingers, pointing them at the dress which combusted instantaneously into ash. I’ll never have to wear that dress ever again.

“Neat trick,” said Kilee who was peeking into her room from the threshold, door opened a crack.

“Kilee, you startled me,” said Raien. “Sorry, I should be more careful and not use magic so unnecessarily.”

“Why?” asked Kilee. “It’s obvious that you were in complete control the entire time. Asking you not to use magic would be like asking you not to breathe.” Kilee then entered the room and sat down on the bed, “So do you like your room new clothes Lady Raien?” he asked.

“Yes I do, thank you,” replied Raien. “These are wonderful gifts.”

“These aren’t gifts, they’re just things you needed. You didn’t expect us to make you wear the meager dress from the prison did you? Especially seeing that it’s a pile of dust now. It would be too fashionable to wear something like that.”

“Still they are very thoughtful gifts,“ said Raien.

“Again with the gifts, what is it your birthday or something Lady Raien?” laughed Kilee.

“Well,” said Raien, beginning to ponder. “My mind’s a bit fuzzy, I don’t know how many days have passed since I left Orrin, but I actually think it is my birthday.”

“Really!” exclaimed Kilee. “I’m sure Big Brother would like to hear this, he really likes you ya know.”

“Does he?” asked Raien, sitting down to eat her breakfast. But who does he like, Raien the person, or Raien, the potential weapon. “Well he certainly is generous.”

Kilee smiled. “So does this mean you’ll stay Lady Raien? Oh, please say yes.”

Raien swallowed a bite a food and cleared her throat. “I don’t know exactly what I’m expected to do here, but given my other options I’m certainly willing to try.”

“That was a lot of words,” said a confused Kilee.

“Well, then how’s yes for an answer?” simplified Raien.

“That is a good answer!” exclaimed Kilee. “I got to go tell big brother.”

“No, Kilee. Wait,” called Raien, but she was to late, he had already gone to tell Saige the good news, and she knew from previous experience she had no chance of catching up to him. Raien ate quickly, knowing that Saige would soon come to see her to confirm her decision. She left the tray there, not knowing what to do with it and left to find Saige. She ran outside to find that her room was somewhere three levels up. She looked to the right of her and saw the large tower where see first met Saige. She walked past many sprites and humans, they all gave her a greeting and a bow. Raien graciously said hello to all of them. She was surprised at how well known she was already. Some even went to have a conversation with her.

“You must be Lady Raien, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” called a woman with graying hair. “I knew it was you because of the dress I made, how do you like it?”

“It’s wonderful,” answered Raien. “You’re all being so kind, I don’t even know your names.”

“Well, my name is Dina, Lady Raien, pleased to make your acquaintance,” said Dina with a low curtsy.

“Oh, you don’t need to use such formalities. I’m not of noble birth, I’m just like you.”

“Your more then nobility to us Lady Raien, but if you insist, ‘Miss Raien,’” replied Dina.

“Thank you, Dina. Um, you wouldn’t happen to know where Saige would be at this time?”

“Well, Lord Oronar should be somewhere in the green, Miss, but you shouldn’t go running of like this, here.” Dina pulled a black cloak out of a bag she had at her side. “Here dearie. Put this on, we don’t want you to catch cold,” said Dina smiling as she handed Raien the new cloak.

“Thank you Dina,” said Raien as she put it on the cloak. It fit just as well as the dress did. “You are to good to me.”

“Think nothing of it Lady Raien, we take care of our own here. Now follow that ladder down and you’ll find a stairway to the green.”

Raien began to climb down the ladder, but not before she thanked Dina one last time. The green was full of people both Human and Sprite enjoying the brisk morning weather. Over at the well was Saige cranking the wheel to raise the bucket up. Raien decided to slowly walk over to him, so he didn’t hear her approach. She softly tapped him on the back of his shoulder.

“What?” jumped Saige in surprise, dropping the wheel. He quickly grabbed it as not to break the bucket. “Oh, hello my Lady,” said Saige. “How are you doing this morning?”

“Very well Lord Oronar. You certainly have a beautiful little city here.”

“You don’t need to call me with such formalities Lady Raien.”

“Alright, I’ll do it if you just stop calling me Lady,” answered Raien.

“Alright then, Raien.” complied Saige. “I hear that you have decided to stay.”

“Yes, I have,” answered Raien.

“So you’ll help us then?”

“Yes,” answered Raien reluctantly. “But, I have a few conditions.“

“Alright then,“ said Saige. “I’ll hear you out.“

“I’ll help your cause, but only to liberate the prison, I do not want to nor will I kill anyone for you,” Raien determinately stated.

“And you never will. I’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to do,” Saige replied compassionately. “But let’s forget about that for now. I also heard that today’s your birthday, is it not?”

“I don’t really know,” said Raien. “My sense of time has been hazy ever since I
was kidnapped by those people.”

“27th of Alasse,” Saige said curtly.

“What?” asked Raien, puzzled.

“That’s the date,” explained Saige. “Consider your sense of time unhazed.”

“I see,” replied Raien. “That would be my birthday.”

“Well then,” said Saige. “We’ll have to have a celebration tonight then.”

“Oh, you don’t need to go to such lengths for me, said Raien.

“But I want to,” said Saige. “Truthfully I was planning on having a celebration for you joining our cause anyway, not that we know it’s your birthday we have even more reason to celebrate!”

“Well if you insist,” said Raien shyly.

“You just go back up to room,” said Saige.” We’ll take care of everything, you need to prepare for tonight.”

“Very well then Saige,” Raien said reluctantly. “I’ll see you at the party then.”

Raien then walked back up to her room. Saige went back to turning the wheel, raising the bucket. A minute later the full bucket was at the top.

“I told you she’d stay,” said Kilee sitting a top the bucket.

“I’m glad you we’re right this time,” said Saige.

“I’m always right silly,” said Kilee. Saige just laughed at his little friend and let go of the rope and watched the bucket fall down the well.

Raien returned to her room after a day of getting acquainted with the others from the village. She was surprised when she found a new set of clothes. She put on a white satin dress with soft brown leather bodice and a matching pair of heeled boots. She looked at herself in the mirror. A perfect fit, just like the others. Raien walked out of her room headed, for the green where the dinner was to be held. She saw Dina as she was on her way down.

“I hope these are to your liking,” asked Dina.

“Oh, yes Dina, but you didn’t need to make these, the first dress and boots were just fine,” said Raien.

“Yes, but a Lady needs to dress elegantly for such a celebration.”

“I can’t begin to thank you Dina,” thanked Raien.

“No need to, if anything I owe you thanks, by you simply being here. Eventually the things you do will make everyone of Aleria eternally grateful.”

Raien was taken aback by Dina’s touching elegant words. Will I ever be able to live up to such praise? thought Raien, though she tried not to dwell on it and returned Dina’s kind words as best she could by curtsying and saying, “Thank you so very, very much.”

“Anytime child. Now anyway let’s get to the feast, after all you’re the you’re the guest of honor.”

Down at the green a great curved table had been set up. Raien was to be seated at the high point of the curve next to Saige and on the other side sat Kilee. She was the last to arrive and as she got to her seat Saige raised to greet her. He took and raised her hand and proclaimed to everyone, “This is the Lady Raien, She was once, like many of you, a slave to King Shean. She was recently freed by our powers and she has agreed to help us win our struggle against Shean, with her help, in proper time we will pave a new future for Essilia as well as all of Aleria.” Saige then had to give pause for applause. “But,” continued Saige, calming the crowd. “That is all in the future, we are gathered here now in celebration, for this morning I was told it is Lady Raien’s birthday.” A low rumble of voices came after this knowledge was issued. “Then in honor of Lady Raien,” continued Saige. “Tonight we celebrate her day of birth, and the birth of a new hope!” A cheer rolled over the crowd and with that the feasting and celebration had begun.

After the food was eaten, bread was broken and friendships were forged, the music and dancing began. Men walked over to the ladies and asked to dance while a band of human and sprites played wonderful music on beautifully crafted instruments, strings, pipes, winds and precaution.

Raien watched as the people and sprites danced, she was surprised when she turned over to her side and saw Saige blankly staring at the stars. Raien stood up from her chair and walked over to Saige and tapped him on his shoulder.

“You look a little lonely,” said Raien to Saige.

“I just have a lot on my mind,” answered Saige. “I know this is a party, but our next strategic move is always on my mind.”

“Sounds to me that you need to take your own advice,” said Raien. “You need to relax and enjoy the night, like the rest of the people. They’re not thinking of fighting,“ explained Raien. “They’re living in the moment and making the most of it. Why don’t you try to follow their lead?”

“You know, Raien,” said Saige. “I will follow their lead.” He held his hand out to her. “Though, I’m not the best at it and traditionally speaking the man is to one who leads, but would you like to dance?”

Raien was taken aback by Saige’s latest request. She blushed. “ Of course I will,” she answered.

Raien and Saige walked out into the middle of the crowd and began to dance. Saige wasn’t good, like he said. It took him a while to get a rhythm, and even when he had his rhythm it wasn’t a very good one, and never in step with Raien’s. Raien began to lead and when Saige got used to the beat she let him take the lead. They danced with minor elegance until Saige stepped on her foot. Raien winced, but tried to smile through it. It was about that time Kilee came floating by. While aloft in the air the little sprite came eye to eye with Saige.

“That’s not how to properly dance with a Lady,” Kilee told Saige. “Let me show you how it’s done.” Kilee floated over in front of Raien and took her hands and began to dance in a slow waltzing rotation. Kilee then stuck his tongue out at Saige when he was sure Raien wouldn't see. “You see how I keep a steady beat,” said Kilee, beginning his lesson to Saige. “Also note how I keep even paces with her feet, as not to step on them, again.”

“Step on her feet,” Saige protested. “You barely reach her hips floating like that. You couldn’t even dance with her if it weren’t for that, floating trick of yours.”

“Don’t mock my floaty dance. Do you want my help or do you want to continue cramping Raien’s toes until she becomes as graceful as you?” asked Kilee.

“Who asked you anyway, I was doing fine,” declared Saige.

“Raien,” asked Kilee. “Was he doing fine?

“He could use a little help,” admitted Raien, trying to stifle a laugh, but she couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Saige has so much respect among all these people, yet he let’s such a small person joke with him like this. They must be really close, thought Raien as she twirled with her levitating dance partner who couldn’t step on her foot if he tried. Kilee’s good for Saige. If it weren’t for Kilee, Saige might develop quite an ego. He keeps him in check.

“Also note that I move around the dance floor, not just spin in a circle,” Raien heard Kilee tell Saige. “Well that’s enough lessons for you, for now Saige,” he continued. “Shall we go now Lady Raien? I’ll lead,”

“I’d like to,” said Raien. “But I think I’ll test your teaching methods and see if Saige learned anything.”

Saige took Raien’s hands again and they began to dance, making sure to keep evenly with her movements like Kilee told him. During a rotation Saige returned Kilee’s previously made gesture. Children, Raien thought and laughed to herself. But I’m beginning to feel like I can trust them.

After the party and all of the others had gone to their respective rooms and beds, Raien and Saige remained outside on the green. The last of the torches were about burned out now and the only light that remained was from the moon reflecting of the smooth white stones of the well. Saige propped himself on the well and looked into it’s deep hole into the water below. He wanted to say something, but he had no clue as what to say.

“Did you have a nice time tonight?” he managed to ask Raien. Those words being the first thing to pop into his mind.

“Yes I had a wonderful time,” said Raien. “After these past few days I didn’t think I’d be able to enjoy myself so freely again.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” replied Saige. “Have you ever had a party like this before at your home?” he asked.

“No I never really had parties,” said Raien. “I didn’t really have a family to throw me one. I was orphaned at young age, before I could remember. I grew up in a house filled with other unfortunate children.”

“I see so you never had a family?” asked Saige.

“No, so you see how a party just for me really wasn’t really likely,” replied Raien.

“I suppose that’s true. I wish I could empathize with you there, but I can honestly say that these last five years since I left the Essilian military have been the freest years of my life.”

“I see. Five long years,” said Raien looking at Saige, his character was still forming in her mind. But there’s one little thing I’d like to know. “How old are you?” she asked.

“Me,” said Saige. “Believe it or not I’m only twenty four.”

“Twenty four!” said Raien surprised. “So you were only nineteen went you left the army? You were such a high rank and so young.”

“Well given my skills and my connections through my Father it wasn’t that hard to raise in the ranks. Why, do you ask? How old did you think I was?” asked Saige.

“I don’t know, its just you're so well respected by everyone here. I'd think you were older. Wisdom and experience comes with age, but you are so young, you’ve spent so much time within the military, only to return to find you no longer have a family.”

“I see,” said Saige. “Kilee must have told you a little about my past.”

“Yes,” admitted Raien. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, no that’s fine,“ sighed Sage. “Yes, I suppose in our current situations we’re very similar aren’t we,” said Saige.

“We are, but we have one more thing in common,” said Raien now holding Saige’s hand. “We’re not alone anymore.”

“Raien,” said Saige looking into the moonlight shining off her eyes. “I, uh, It’s late, I think you should head off to bed now.”

“Oh. I see. Alright then,” stammered Raien. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” What am I thinking, I just met the guy. “Good night.” Raien then walked out of the green and up to her room.

Now Saige was alone in the empty green, He gazed up towards the stars and contemplated for a moment. What am I thinking, I just met her.

“Saige and Raien, sitting in a tree, K - I - S - S - I - N - G,” said Kilee in a sing songy tone, levitating out of the well.

“Hush you,” retorted Saige.