The Irony is not Lost on Me.

September 15, 2010

Okay peoples I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the biggest Halo francise. Yeah I know they've sold millions of units and are solely responsible for the success of Microsoft's console division, but that doesn't mean I have to like them! In fact I really, really, really opposite of like them. I just don't understand why they're so damn popular, there's better FPS's out there.

However more than I dislike the Halo games, I tend to dislike the people that exclusively play these types of games, while remaining ignorant to all other games out there. The sort of people that buy Madden every year and allow EA to be the evil small studio gobbling entity it is.

Anywho I said I'd be using the character introduced in comic 15 some more, and I did not lie. Here he is, the antithesis of the type of gamer Danny, Brad and Jeb represent. He is the Bro Gamer.