Do You Even Know What His Hammer's Name Is?

May 6, 2011

Marvel Comics, what does the average person think of when they hear Marvel Comics? X-Men, Spider Man? Maybe Superman or Batman, if they don’t know that they’re owned by DC. My point is there are a lot of comic characters out there, and besides for huge nerdular people like myself the average person out there isn’t too familiar with most of them, which can be a problem when it comes time to make a movie based on these characters, cause it's the average person who's going to see them mostly, and thee less familiar they are with a charaxter the less likely they're going to be in said movie.

Now Spider Man, and Superman, I can safely say most Americans are familiar with these characters and are likely to see a movie based on them. Batman is probably the best example of brand recognition of all super hero properties. Even an absolute train wreck of a Batman movie can still make hundreds of millions of dollars. I’m looking at you Batman and Robin. Truth is these movies are a huge gamble for studios, but I have to say they’re getting better at them. Did anyone expect Iron Man to do so well? Iron Man being a character I’d consider being on the fringe of the general public’s knowledge, but the movie just blew up. Between Iron Man 1 and 2 over $1.2 billion in ticket sales worldwide. It’s safe to say that Iron Man is a household name now.

But now there’s Thor. Thor I’d consider even more of a fringe character to the general public, hell not even I know too, too much about him. Thus the point of today’s comic.

On a side note I’m really proud of this comic in how it turned out. The joke is kind of lame and weak in retrospect, but I really like the way the art turned out. Hope you like it too.