Nice to See They're Focusing on the Real Issues.

October 8, 2012

Hey politics! They exist! Even more so now than ever seeing as it's electon season, and the mudslinging is in full force. resently a story has surfaced in an election for a Maine State senator. It may not be the most important election scandal, and it is far from the most relevent, but the topic of it hits home for me and most of my core audience.

The Maine Republican Party is running a smear campaign against Colleen Lachowicz, a Democratic candidate running for the Maine state senate against incumbent Senator, Tom Martin. They've gone as far as to make a website in an effort to discredit her charactor due to her playing World of Warcraft, and using exepts of posts she has made on the Blizzard forums from the past three years. I don't think the GOP are doing themselves any favors here running this campaign, they are definately not winning any of the young people's votes doing this, than again they've shown they rather not have young people voting to begin with, but I digress.

On the other hand Lachowicz should have known better. Being in the position she's in it's kind of naïve of her to think things she's said on an online forum wouldn't be brought up, and some of the things she said are kind of damning. They're not horribly damning mind you, like some of the things Mitt Romney has said, but they're damning enough to help some undecided voters, who aren't savvy to the WoW scene vote against her. All and all I find this highly reminiscent of the whole Christine O'Donnell thing over whether she was a witch or not during the 2010 Delaware special Senate election. Just petty bullshit that has nothing to do with the issues at hand. Why make a powerful statement defining your class of character when it's easier to just try to discredit your opponent. Yea, two party system! Working as intended!

Oh yeah and At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign! is still going. Click the link, like us on facebook. You know you want to.