Halloween Shenanigans Two: Also Could You Grow a Moustashe?

October 22, 2012

Surprise! Today's comic is Jeb's pep talk. Bet you didn't expect that. On a side note let's talk a little about character design. When I first made the comic I wanted the main characters to be easily recognizable, to that point each of the main character have a few traits in thier looks that quickly differentiates them. Jeb has wacky orange hair and glasses. Brad has an Abe Lincoln beard, and Danny has his hat. The problem with Danny is, in the few commics where he's not wearing his trademark hat, it's not immediately appearent that it's Danny. I don't know, what's your opinion on the matter?

Oh yeah and At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign! is still going. Click the link, like us on facebook. You know you want to.