Stranger Things Have Happened.

September 21, 2012

Today's comic is a bit heavy on the video game nerdings, to the point that even some gamers out there might need some help with this one, so here we go.

Here's a name that if you're a gamer you should know. Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man, and one of the chief people responcible for the rise of Capcom to being one of Japan's most successful publishing houses. Here's another name. Tomonobu Itagaki, while not as prominent in the industry as Inafune, Itagaki is responcible for the resurgence of Tecmo, heading the in house development team, Team Ninja, responcible for renewing the Ninja Gaiden series, and creating the Dead or Alive series. Anywho, these two influential figures have left the companies they've become synonymous with. Now for the twist in the story. This week a story broke that announced that Inafune is working with Team Ninja on a Ninja Gaiden spin off game of all things, and while Itagaki is apparently working in a new studio on a pet project, maybe, everything will come full circle and Itagaki will soon work with Capcom. Who knows, it could happen.

Oh yeah and At Least Like Us on Facebook Campaign! is still going. Click the link, like us on facebook. You know you want to.